For Immediate Release
Contact: Lindsey Culley, Community Development & Marketing Manager | (843) 875-9109 or (843) 259-4778
Dorchester County to build 100,000 sq. ft. spec. building at Winding Woods Industrial Park
Summerville, S.C. (December 12, 2016) – Dorchester County will construct the first speculative building in western Dorchester County at the 1,300 acre Winding Woods Industrial Park located on Highway 78, near St. George, SC.
Engineering for the 100,000 sq. ft. building was completed by Thomas & Hutton. LTC Associates has been selected as the project architect. M. B. Kahn Construction Co., Inc. will be the General Contractor on this project.
The funding to purchase the 17.3 acre property via the Upper Dorchester County Economic Development Fund was made possible with the support of Senator John W. Matthews and Representative Patsy Knight.
Santee Cooper provided the loan to construct the speculative building as part of their economic development loan program. Lonnie Carter, President and CEO of Santee Cooper said “Dorchester County showed great vision in developing Winding Woods Industrial Park, which enjoys an excellent location and tremendous advantages related to transportation systems and other infrastructure. By helping get a spec building out of the ground here, Santee Cooper is fulfilling our responsibility to help our South Carolina compete for advanced manufacturing industries and the excellent jobs they bring with them.”
Edisto Electric Cooperative is the electric provider for Winding Woods and sponsor of the loan from Santee Cooper. Through grant funds, Edisto has assisted with the development of Winding Woods Industrial Park since 2013 by funding the development of 3-D rendering of the site, environmental reviews and surveys, including a wetlands study. Additionally, with their support, signage and landscaping for the Park will make the entrance attractive and marketable.
Carolina Commercial, LLC along with Newmark Grubb Knight Frank, one of the world’s leading commercial real estate advisory firms, will be the broker for the Winding Woods spec. building.
“The construction of a speculative building in the Winding Woods Industrial Park will be a great benefit to Dorchester County in providing ready inventory for industry. County Council has been supportive of this investment since the park project began. Santee Cooper, Edisto Electric Cooperative, and the property owners have been a vital part of this process and without them; we would not see a building go up. This new building will create an opportunity for new industry to bring jobs and investment into Dorchester County” said David Chinnis, Dorchester County Council Chairman.
The Winding Woods groundbreaking is scheduled for early 2017. Construction of the spec. building is scheduled for completion in summer of 2017.
Visit for more information about Dorchester County Economic Development and the Winding Woods Industrial Park.